
Higher education teachers: Munih Marko
Collaborators: Lenarčič Jadran

Subject description


  • Year inscription, the lab exercises should be completed for Robot kinematics and dynamics, and Robot control

Content (Syllabus outline):

Redundant mechanisms (primary and secondary task, kinematic redundancy, hiperredundancy); Parallel mechanisms (characteristics of parallel mechanisms, connectivity of legs and degrees of freedom, kinematic equations); Robot contact (basic contacts, contact models); Robot grasp (robot grasp with two fingers, robot grasp with multiple fingers, grasp matrix); Tendon systems (kinematics, statics and tendon system control); Humanoid robot mechanisms;

Objectives and competences:

The student becomes familiar with newest robot mechanisms, the parallel robots and mutifinger grippers. Presented are also mechanisms of humanoid robots. Within the practical part of the course students work in lab with redundant systems (mobile robot and manipulator), robot grippers and measurement gloves. They build bipedal walking robots and program humanoid robots.

Intended learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge about special robot mechanisms.

Learning and teaching methods:

Students have available textbook with the course topics. Part of the course is given by invited lecturer from the research institute. Occasionally are invited also lecturers from abroad. Practical work is commencing in form of projects in the labs of Faculty and the Institutes. Students cooperate in a smaller groups.

Study materials

  1. J. Lenarčič, T. Bajd, M. Stanišić: Robot mechanisms, Springer, 2013.
  2. R. M. Murray, Z. Li, S. S. Sastry: A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994.
  3. L.W. Tsai: Robot Analysis: The Mechanics of Serial and Parallel Manipulators, John Wiley&Sons, Inc., New York, 1999.
  4. M.W. Spong, S. Hutchinson, M. Vidyasagar: Robot Modeling and Control, John Wiley&Sons, Inc., New York, 2005.
  5. M.T. Mason: Mechanics of Robotic Manipulation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2001.