
Electrical Machin Modelling

Higher education teachers: Miljavec Damijan

Subject description


  • Subscription in third year of study.
  • Successfully completed laboratory work and prepared report as a condition for accession to the exam.

Content (Syllabus outline):

The fundamental electromagnetic laws used in electrical machines. Energy in a magnetic fields, force and torque. The electromagnetic properties of materials used in electrical machines. The analogy between magnetic circuits and electrical circuits. Electromagnetic principles and definition of transformers circuit models, commutator machines models, synchronous machines models, electronically commutated machines models and induction machines models based on the analogy between magnetic circuits and electrical circuits. Steady state operation analysis of electric machine by means of circuit models. Unified theory of electrical machinery and principles of models transformation. Transformation of synchronous machine, electronically commutated machine and induction machine models in to the models developed on the basis of the unified theory of electrical machines. Addressing the steady state and transient conditions of analyzed electrical machines described within the unified theory of electrical machines. Control principles of synchronous machines, electronically commutated machines and induction machines.

Objectives and competences:

The aim of this course is to gain an in-depth theoretical and functional understanding of electric machines operation. To qualify the student for independent synthesis and analysis of electrical machines circuit models and to address stationary and transient electromagnetic states of electric machines. Ability to determine the values ​​of the elements of circuit models based on electromechanical testing of electrical machines. Conquered depth knowledge of the theory of electrical machines will enable the design of electrical machines, electrical machines integration in the control systems and the use of electrical machines in mechatronic systems and electric energy conversion.

Intended learning outcomes:

The student will understand the fundamental principles of operation of electrical machines. Their presentation in the form of model circuits enable it to analyse steady state and transient electro-mechanical states. Students will acquire the ability to determine the parameters of model circuits on the basis of electro-mechanical tests of electrical machines.

Learning and teaching methods:

  • Lectures and laboratory work. As an option it is possible to include the students in the projects carried out in the Laboratory of electrical machines.
  • The course consists of 45 hours of lectures and 30 hours of laboratory exercises with heightened risk.

Study materials

  1. Jacek F. Gieras, Advancements in Electric Machines, Springer, 2009
  2. Ion Boldea,Lucian Nicolae Tutelea,Electric Machines: Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB, CRC Press, 2009
  3. P. S. Bimbhra: Generalized Theory of Electric Machinery, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2004