Higher education teachers: Miljavec Damijan
Subject description
- Subscription in second year of university study.
Content (Syllabus outline):
A common base of electric machines: the nominal data types and operation of electrical machines, magnetic field, induced voltage, electromagnetic torque, losses and efficiency, heating of electrical machines, electromagnetic compatibility. Addressing basic electrical machines: transformers, autotransformatorji, synchronous machines, induction machines and commutator machines. Presentation and discussion of modern electrical machines and their use at electricity generation using renewable energy, automation of industrial processes, transport vehicles - hybrid vehicles, robotics, superconducting systems, power tools and micro-electromechanical systems.
Objectives and competences:
- The aim of this course is to gain theoretical knowledge needed to understand the basic concepts of electrical machines and principles of operation of various types of electrical machines.
- Knowledge of the basic electric machines circuit models and input-output characteristics of electrical machines.
- Understanding of basic tests in the field of electrical engineering. Provide guidance for understanding the operational problems of electrical machines.
Intended learning outcomes:
- The student will understand the basics of electromechanical energy conversion and basic concepts of torque and mechanical equilibrium.
- Principles of operation of electric generators and motors. Understand the basic characteristics of various types of electrical machines.
- Faced with the problems of construction and design of electrical machines.
- Understand the simple tests of electromechanical devices and the field of use for individual type of electrical machine.
Learning and teaching methods:
- Lectures, tutorials and laboratory work.
- Laboratory exercises are with heightened risk (high voltage, rotating parts, ...).
- The course consists of 45 hours of lectures 15 hours of tutorial and 30 hours of laboratory exercises with heightened risk.
Study materials
- Damijan Miljavec, Peter Jereb: Električni stroji – temeljna znanja, Ljubljana, 2008
- Stephen J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 5 edition, 2011
- Austin Hughes, Bill Drury:Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applications, Newnes, 4th Revised edition edition, 2013
- Dino Zorbas, Electric Machines, Nelson Engineering , 2014
- P. C. Sen, Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, John Wiley & Sons; 3rd Edition, 2013